Toutes mes réponses sur les forums
added amiga applications, but these are not yet finished.
Nice works
these video are only a promo.
Some collage of videos that are in Retro Trailer page
and in the main page is yet write « intro », but these are trailers (intro and a part of the game).
for now, more of 10.000 videos
now i write in english.
When you are in the main page of Retro Trailer, you search such as: Amiga and press « search ».
you are in the section Amiga, with games and application Amiga.
Idem for other platform.
i added a description, maily for Amiga, Atari ST, PC, Commodore 64 to know the platform.
Maybe one day when the site will be re-made in modern layout, the database could be more interesting with some news.
For now, these are the limits.
the best amiga environment for now is Amithlon.
Aros is good, but not usable like amithlon.
It has a great future aros, but now, i haven’t the same feelings of amithlon.
Maybe, a nostalgic user like me search other in an amiga environment.
Amithlon now works in Virtualbox 2.1 on Vindows Vista 64bit SP1 on E8500.
Not support amithlon update, but i’ll try again (the first time, it works, but onlly in 640×480 e black and whte, but with sound).
No support to net or USB.
Ok, to start amithlon we can press a key on boing ball animation..
Some speed test:
Quake 640x480x8 = 103 fps
Rc5= 4.880.000 keys/s circa
Bytemark = 25 Integer; 10 Floating point.
Video seems in hardware acceleration, not jerky in vesa mode on scrolling page and windows.
Scrolling on ibrowse is so fast..
If works the net, it will be perfect to surf..
toh, now it works..
but i don’t know how..
boing ball ad libitum, i soot ctrl-amiga -amiga and it start!!
however, to install amigaos it needs to reboot, but so i cannot enter into eary choose amithlon image to install the OS.
after i start amithlon with ctrl-amiga-amiga, i cannot shoot again this key so, i cannot reboot amigaos
maybe the problem, is virtualbox on ubuntu.
i’ll try with windows..
NDBatteMan : Think to use the « edit » option of your last post, thanks.
now, i have amd64 x2, hd2900xt, 2 GB dDR2 and black screen with amithlon
i tryed VirtualBox 2.1 on Ubuntu 8.10 64bit, screen.
my old configuration for amithlon was great: AmD64 3500. 1 GB DDR400 and X800XL
very fast!
someone here launched with success amithlon on
now i see boing ball ad libitum :p
sidchip_fr a écrit :
Quelqu’un a déjà essayé e-uae (version 68k) sous amithlon ?
Est-ce que ça tourne bien (son,fluidité,support du joystick pc ?)
En passant,même question mais sur un 1200 PPC 233mhz: est-ce qu’il est possible d’émuler le 500 à pleine vitesse avec
la version 68k de e-uae ?
on my old amithlon configuration, uae ran very well
Modération de BatteMan : Deux messages à la suite réunis en un seul. Think to use the « edit » option of your last post, thanks.
8 sujets de 1 à 8 (sur un total de 8)