Vmwaros 1.0.1 et 10.0.2

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      Je vais tenter un article dans la semaine que je posterais ici et sur aros exec



        Et hop, la version 1.0.2 est là ;-)


        Hop, news en ligne. Pour plus d’informations, c’est ici que ça se passe :

        « [AROS] VmwAROS 10.0.2« 


        /me va aller faire une news ;-)

        Only Amiga makes it possible !



          Arf pas le temps d’en essayer une en v’là une autre .Il chome pas les mecs .

          Pour qemu/vmware , émulation/virtualisation .Donc autant prendre Vmware .

          Sous VirtualBox le live CD bloque aussi juste après le choix de la résolution d’écran .



            About VirtualBox

            Please, choose another virtualization program. AROS developers have spent many days figuring out why AROS works on any other virtual machine but VirtualBox, and then found a bug in VBox’s timer device. They fixed AROS sources to produce a workaround, and AROS actually ran for a while on Vbox too. Then a new release of VBox came out and… tah, dah!… AROS isn’t working anymore, this time for some missing features in its VESA implementation.

            I think they are sick if running behind VBox coders.

            AROS correctly works on Qemu, VMware, Parallels, VirtualPC… it doesn’t work only on VirtualBox. So, who’s wrong?




              Bah!,Vmware or qemu it is ok is work well, thank you for your information.


              Yep yep

              yes, with VPC I have a black screen .



                Hello paolone, I think you should tell about those issues on the virtualbox forum. They may be interested in making their software more compatible.

                I remember some time ago Haiku couldn’t boot on VirtualBox. Now it’s running fine, but I don’t know if people of VirtualBox fixed something or if Haiku was modified. It was a problem about timer too I think.

                I’ve started a thread about Aros (the first one on this forum):


                Ma musique chiptune : https://soundcloud.com/garvalf

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              Forums AmigaOS, MorphOS et AROS Général Vmwaros 1.0.1 et 10.0.2

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