souris st

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  • tomaso94


      salut à tous

      j’ai entendu dire qu’on pouvait mettre une souris atari st sur un amiga juste en inversant un fil…si c’est vrai ou trouver le shéma?



        Author: Brigitte and Eric McCormack

        Subject: On using Amiga mice with Atari STs…….

        Date: 06/28/1999

        I fiddled around with this last night and found that if pins 1 and 4 are swapped (i.e. pin 1 Amiga to pin 4 Atari and pin 4 Amiga to pin 1 Atari), the Amiga mouse behaves normally on an Atari ST. Also, pin 5 (Amiga end) should be connected to pin 9 (Atari ST end) for RMB support. Pin 9 (Amiga end) and pin 5 (Atari ST end) are not connected at all.

        I haven’t been able to test the RMB portion yet, but if the pinouts I derived the rest of it from are correct- then it should do OK.

        Amiga DB9F Atari ST DB9M

        PIN Usage PIN Usage

        1 Yb


        1 Xb

        2 Xa


        2 Xa

        3 Ya


        3 Ya

        4 Xb


        4 Yb

        5 RMB

        5 N/C

        6 LMB

        6 LMB

        7 +5 VDC

        7 + 5 VDC

        8 GND

        8 GND

        9 MMB N/C

        9 RMB

        It is a little strange, as I found pinouts on the Internet indicating that both the Amiga ( and Atari ST ( have LMB and RMB on the matching pins. Pins 1-4 on the Amiga are marked V-pulse, H-pulse, VQ-pulse, HQ-pulse which doesn’t quite match the functional labels above. If you get ahold of a regular Amiga mouse, it could be worth trying to swap wires inside the mouse according to the instruction above, and if it doesn’t work well, try some more.

        ils voulaient faire le contraire (Amiga -> ST) mais ça revient au même.



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            et bien mill merci

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