4 sujets de 211 à 214 (sur un total de 214)

  • __sam__


      Oh sur amiga on connait des machines dont l’USB ne reconnait pas des clavier/pad/souris USB standard (et encore moins ceux du A500-mini). Mais bon, oui ce n’est pas du linux embarqué en dessous ce qui est peut-être une erreur pour un appareil prétendument grand public, mais je m’égare. C’est un autre sujet.


      Amiga A500 + GVP530 (8Mo/fpu/mmu/scsi) - en panne 🙁
      A500 (+ 1Mo PPS), A1200 (Blizzard-IV/fpu/64Mo)
      A500 Vampire V2+ ^8^ 🙂
      (mais aussi TO8, TO8D, TO9. Groupe PULS.)



        Un lien intéressant.

        – All Winner H6 ARM processor (Cortex A53)
        – 512mb Ram DDR3
        – This is the same company behind the C64 mini & C64 Maxi.

        The A500 mini, features a All Winner H6 chip which is a CPU ARM Cortex A53, this is the same chip that powers Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi Zero 2.

        This is nothing really new or revolutionary, a Arm based computer with Amiga emulation has already happened, the Armiga was a small all in one device the size of a floppy disk drive that ran a Amiga emulator on a Arm board and allowed original Amiga floppy disk to run off it.

        The product has a partnership with Cloanto, so includes all the required Kickstart chips and software necessary to run classic games and software library of the Amiga 68k platform.

        Talking of the OS, the system is powered by Linux and Amiberry 3.3


        Amiberry source : https://github.com/midwan/amiberry
        Lastest Release : 5.1

        Amiberry is an optimized Amiga emulator, for ARM-based boards.
        The core emulation comes from WinUAE, but stripped down somewhat in order to achieve good performance in underpowered boards



          « Pandory 500 softmod » + amiberry 5.3 dispo sur le firmware 1.1.1 du A500 mini.

          Vite, un panneau solaire.



            Bonjour a tous,

            une petite promotion sur le A500:


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