bart vs space mutants

6 sujets de 1 à 6 (sur un total de 6)

  • greg



      je me fait plaisir en ce moment je rejoue avec ce bon vieux jeux

      est ce que quelqu’un aurait des astuce pour ce jeux car il est super dur

      la vie au départ part exemple comment fait on pour l’avoir

      j’arrive au début du niveau deux mais avec une seul vie

      trop dur le jeux ( trop oufff le jeux )

      merci je prendrais tout ce que vous me donnerais comme conseil en esperant qu’il y a encore du monde qui joue avec ce jeux

      ps : j’y joue sur mastersystem mais bon le jeux etait sortie sur plusieur plateforme et les astuce fonctionne sur toutes les machines




        salut greg,

        voici ce que j’ai trouvé par contre c’est dans la langue de Shakespear !

        Simpsons, The – Bart vs. The Space Mutants

        CHEAT MODE:

        On the title screen, the one where the family are watching the TV,

        type ‘COWABUNGA’ and when you start the game you’ll have infinite

        lives. Also try typing ‘EAT MY SHORTS’ on the title screen to enable

        the number keys to skip levels.

        Also to skip levels, type ‘SHEEP IN A GROUP WEARING HATS’ during play.


        There are a few hidden extras to find throughout the level, such as

        exra lives and more money. There are usually hidden in bins and bushes.

        To find them, just jump onto them. However, you need to be careful,

        since some bushes contain bees which have a lethal sting!

        You can get extra help by defeating end-of-level gurdians via the

        disgused aliens throughout the levels. To spot them, put on your X-ray

        specs. If a person seems to have a wibbly head with tentacles sprouting

        out of it, jump on top of them and they will drop a ball. Pick up the

        ball and get a letter, if you manage to spell out the name of a family

        member, that person will then appear at the end of the level to help you

        beat the guardiant. For eg: If Maggie appears she throws rocks above your

        head which you can deflect towards the bady along with your nomal shots.

        If you miss one or two of the targets, don’t panic! If you notice the

        sign near the cinema, this should give you a clue. Watch out for the

        timer and go to the cinema when it reaches 400 and 200. At these time a

        person will come out of the doors. Just spray them to knock your target

        counter down.

        Bart Simpsom vs The Space Mutants solution

        Begin by facing Bart to the right and do a big spring jump off the bin to

        collect the Krust bonus. Walk on by the cinema (get the timimg right past

        the creatures) until you get to Moe’s. Jump up onto the ledge off the first

        window and up to the next ledge. Do a long jump left to collect the sray

        can, but watch you don’t hit the mutants in front of the poster!

        Go to the right of the poster and face left to spray it until it

        changes colour. Carry on to the left and spray the bin, then head right. Go

        past Moe’s until you reach the phone booth. Jump up on the booth and right

        onto the washing line. Walk along the line so that the washing falls onto

        the purple object below.

        Jump across onto the wondow and collect the sray can. Drop down and

        spray the bin, then head left and jump over the nasty under the washing

        line to get another Krusty bonus. Head back to the right and jump over the

        three nasties past the bin you just sprayed. Carry on and enter Tool World.

        Buy a keyand a wrench, then leave the shop walk behind the Fire Hydrant and

        use the wrench so that the water washes the paint off the awning, then

        spray the hydrant. Jump onto the window ledge, then onto the door and

        finally jump up to spray the flowers – you have to spray them while you are


        Carry onto the right and enter Mel’s Novelty Hut. Buy one cherry bomb

        and spend all but two of your coins on rocket, then leave the shop. Jump

        onto the sill, then onto the door and then jump up to spray the flowers (it

        takes a bit of pacience). Continue right, under the monster and collect the

        extra life.

        Go right, into Toys `N’ Stuff and buy a whistle and a magnet. Jump onto

        the edge and onto the door before leaping up to spray the flowers. Go

        right, jump over the alien and collect the spray can.

        Walk right until you get to the bin (if you want you can knock the ball

        up in the air to hit the paint can, but it’s a bit tricky). Spray the bin

        then jump onto it to get the top windows. Jump across to the paint pot so

        that it spills, then carefully make your way past the nasty. Slowly drop

        off the left-hand side so that you fall onto the canopy above the door,

        then jump up and spray the flowers.

        Go to the right until you reach the pet shop, jump up onto the window

        ledge, onto the door and back across the gap to sray the pot. Postion

        yourself in the top left corner of the window and drop your cherry bomb, if

        you are in the right potion, the bomb should hit the bird cage and free the

        bird. Watch out for the dog that appears!

        Walk up and jump on to the grass to make a puple policeman appear.

        Spray him blue and then quickly run away. Next up walk along the statue and

        fire a rocket to make the bird fly away.

        Jump over the barrier onto the skateboard and immediately slow down to

        halt. Push up diagonally while pressing fire to get to the top of the

        path and then accelerate. Jump over the dogs and the blue alien, then wham

        along to the end, but watch out for the Skate Punk!

        Leap over the barrier to get back on foot and carry on walking right.

        Dodge the nasties and spray the fountain as you pass. Go under the aliens

        in front of the Bowling Hall and fire a rocket at the sign.



          HOL est ton ami —> ici

          Onglet : Cheatcodes —> ici

          Une CD32 ... Sinon rien 🙂



            la vie au départ part exemple comment fait on pour l’avoir

            sauter le plus haut possible sans se faire bouffer par l’alien,

            1 A500 2mo, 1 A500 512ko +ACA500+, 1 A 1200 quasi neuf, 1 Atari 520Ste 4mo + UltraSatan dual, 1 Falcon030 avec DFB1X , 1 MSX2 8235 avec Carnivore2, 1 MSX28250 (fmstéréopack, music mode, MegaFlashRom et quelques D7 et KTouche ).
            maxime perpétuelle : si je cours en zigzag ce n'est pas pour éviter le balles, mais les c..s, et si un cachalot vient sur ton babord, il est prioritaire, sur tribord aussi... (B.M.)



              niveau deux

              pas moyen d’atrapper les passerelle qui monte et descende

              je sait que pour la deuxieme il faut sauter 3 fois dessus pour quel bouge toute seul.

              mais j’arrive pas a attendre la premier

              faut-il avoir le nombre de chapeau ???

              la vie du debut pas moyen de l’avoir y doit y avoir un truc



                Taaaiiiin, je crois que c’est le premier jeu Amiga auquel j’ai jamais joué, au Supergame Show de je sais plus quelle année … je me rappelle du scotch sur le lecteur de disquette histoire d’éviter à ladite disquette de disparaitre ^^

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