(English Readers) AteoBus ISA access code…

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  • geppo61


      Hello everybody,

      I am trying to access to ISA IO Port and ISA Memory Space (for VideoRAM) through AtèoBus with Pixel64 graphic card.

      I know how to initialize the registers of the card (IO Space) but I don’t know how to access the VideoRAM segment.

      The IO Ports can be accessed using ISA IO Base as offset and using the registers’ addresses as pointer (8 and 16 bits).

      But how to access the vga space? ( I suppose to use ISA MEMORY Base Space)? And where is located the video ram?

      I would like to add support for early screen output as strings in 80×25 mode, just to know everyting is ok during startup…

      For example adding in S/StartUp-Sequence

      SetPatch QUIET


      vgaPrint « SetPatch installed. »

      vgaPrint « AteoBusServer correctly installed »

      vgaPrint « Loading Workbench, please wait… »

      IF EXISTS Devs:Monitors/VGAonly




      That’s all. Any help?

      Best regard,




        Here is some news:

        Looking in the ateobus header, I found two flags IO_SPACE and MEMORY_SPACE to call AC_GetSpaceBase() with, just to have IsaIOBase and IsaMEMORYBase addresses.

        Now I wrote some code, and I would like to try it, but I had some problems during (cross) linking.

        I am using m68k-amigaos-gcc ( 3.4.0 ) but it fails during linking of ateobus library simply there is no one!!

        This is my first attempt using cross compiling from linux box, so I don’t know if it need to have some -lateo or similar to use libateo.a[o] or ateobus.library object.

        Another problem will arise because this library will expect to have some variables into fixed places such as: d0, d1, a0, … How can be done with gcc??? I think I have to disable optimization code btw…

        Maybe an AmigaImpact user called sreg can help me out.

        Any help, clue??






          Oh, yes, there are some expert for ATO-bus on this Forum nut be patient because It’s the end of the summer vacancy in france that meam maybe some of them sleeping on a beach ;-)

          For sure, you could search on this forum about ato main topics but unfortunately for you in french only :-)



            Oh, yes, there are some expert for ATO-bus on this Forum nut be patient because It’s the end of the summer vacancy in france that meam maybe some of them sleeping on a beach ;-)

            I hope they are taking all the rest they need to restart a new season at 100%


            For sure, you could search on this forum about ato main topics but unfortunately for you in french only :-)

            ce n’est pas un problème pour moi. Google Translation Tool est né pour ce genre de travail!

            Best regards,




              Hello everybody!

              No one in this forum is able to help me??

              Or even better, nobody can give me the e-mail address (or even the real street address :-D ) of the AteoConcept Founders? So I think after 10 years they can release their library in source code (hoping it is _NOT_ all in assembly language :sweat: )…

              I am trying to compile and link in a cross environment so I need #pragmas to their library useful for gcc… (m68k-amigaos-gcc 3.4). Right now the only problem is the linker because it does not complain with the only headers…

              Best regards,




                last connection from sreg on this forum is 22 march 2009 :-(

                I think someone should give to you his personnal email or another method for contacting him.

                remember also an old ATO ML on yahoo (I think).



                  The problem I found is during LINK time. I would like to know if there is some expert in AmigaOS include/pragmas/inline code just to tell the compiler how the ateobus.library is composed by. I have all library files needed for a sort of compiler (SASC or whatever), but they are unusable to GCC. Maybe os4depot or developers for OS4. I know OS4 is using GCC…

                  P.S.: nobody has the contact for AteoBus makers? Mathieu Lagier??


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                Forums AmigaOS, MorphOS et AROS Général (English Readers) AteoBus ISA access code…

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